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Email Integration

Get notified via Email when a extraction result is completed, including an attachment of results and a link to the full extraction results on the Unmand portal.

Email Webhook

Create an Email integration

To create an Email integration, click on Add and select the Email option.

You will be prompted with the following form fields:

  • To (required): Primary email recipients' email addresses. Separate multiple addresses using a comma, or by pressing the enter key
  • Cc (optional): Email recipients who will receive a copy of the email. Separate multiple addresses using a comma, or by pressing the enter key
  • Custom subject (optional): Custom email subject. Leave blank to receive default email subject 'Extraction results for file-name'
  • Attachment format: Email attachment format for results, either JSON or Excel workbook.

Once the form is completed, click the Save button.

Create Email Integration

Activating a Email integration

To activate an Email integration and start receiving Extraction results, toggle the Active switch on so that it is coloured then click on the Save button.

Activating Email Integration

Likewise, if you would like to temporarily stop receiving Extraction results, toggle the Active switch off so that it is no longer coloured then click on the Save button

Deleting an Email integration

To delete an Email integration permanently, click the Delete in the top right hand corner of the form.

Delete Email Integration