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Keyboard shortcuts

You can use keyboard shortcuts to work more efficiently. To see a list of keyboard shortcuts, press Shift + ? within the portal.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • A plus sign (+) in a shortcut means that you need to press multiple keys at the same time.
  • A left arrow sign () in a shortcut means that you need to press the left arrow key.
  • A right arrow sign () in a shortcut means that you need to press the right arrow key.

Use these shortcuts when opening a document in Exfil.

Go to first labelled bounding box on the page1
Go to next labelled bounding box on the page
Go to previous labelled bounding box on the page
Open first labelled bounding box on the pageShift + 1
Go to next pageCtrl + Shift +
Go to previous pageCtrl + Shift +
Zoom inCtrl + Shift + =
Zoom outCtrl + Shift + -
Zoom to fitCtrl + Shift + F