In-line Functions Documentation
The in-line functions feature offers a convenient way to perform basic Python operations within Swarm while entering data. This functionality allows users to embed Python expressions directly into their input fields, enclosed by {{}}. When the system processes the data, it evaluates the code within the braces and replaces it with the result.
For example, if you wanted to perform a simple mathematical operation like multiplying two numbers, you could enter:
{{ 10 * 5 }}
When processed, the system would replace it with:
The in-line functions support a range of basic Python operations and built-in functions, providing flexibility to perform calculations, format data, and much more during the data entry process.
How to Use In-line Functions
To use in-line functions, you simply need to write a valid Python expression inside double curly braces. For instance:
{{ expression }}
Adding two numbers: {{ 5 + 10 }}
Converting a date to a specific format: {{ reformat_date('2023-01-01', '%d-%m-%Y') }}
Generating a one-time password (OTP): {{ generate_otp('your_seed') }}
The system will replace these placeholders with the computed results.
Supported Functions
Below are the key functions supported by the system, along with examples of how to use them in-line.
1. Mathematical Operations
You can perform basic arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Example: {{ 10 * 5 }}
Result: 50
Example: {{ 5 + 15 }}
Result: 20
Example: {{ 100 - 60 }}
Result: 40
2. Date Formatting
You can use the reformat_date function to format dates in a specific way.
Basic Date Formatting
Example: {{ reformat_date('2023-01-01', '%d-%m-%Y') }}
Result: 01-01-2023
Custom Date Formats
If the input date has a non-standard format, you can provide a custom input format as well.
{{ reformat_date('2023 . 01 . 01T12:34:56', '%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S', '%Y . %m . %dT%H:%M:%S') }}
Result: 01-01-2023 12:34:56
3. Number Formatting
The format_number_as_string function allows you to format numbers with specific patterns, such as adding commas or decimal places.
Adding Commas to Large Numbers
Example: {{ format_number_as_string(1000000, '{:,}') }}
Result: 1,000,000
Formatting a Number with Decimal Places
Example: {{ format_number_as_string(1234.567, '{:,.2f}') }}
Result: 1,234.57
4. Leading Zeros
The add_leading_zero_single_digit function adds a leading zero to a number if it is a single digit.
Padding Single-Digit Numbers
Example: {{ add_leading_zero_single_digit(7) }}
Result: 07
5. OTP Generation
The generate_otp function generates a one-time password (OTP) based on a given seed. This can be useful for security purposes.
Generating an OTP
Example: {{ generate_otp('JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP') }}
Result: An OTP, such as 123456
6. Data Lookup
You can use the lookup function to fetch specific values from predefined datasets or mappings within the system. This can simplify data entry when specific codes or values need to be referenced.
Lookup Example
Example: {{ lookup('currency', 'USD') }}
Result: The system would return the corresponding value for 'USD' from the currency dataset.